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Stretched arms quiz

stretched arms quiz

Unveil hidden aspects of your personality with a simple arm stretching exercise. This intriguing test not only challenges your imagination but also reveals insights into your creative and rational sides.

Stretch your arms straight out in front of you, and make sure that they are both at the same height.

Read the instructions and afterwards perform the visualizations with your eyes closed.

Imagine you have strings on your right hand, and helium balloons are gently pulling your right hand up into the air.

At the same time imagine a vase on your left hand. It is weighing down on your left hand and pushing it towards the floor.

Try to visualize these two opposing forces, pushing and pulling your hands. Remember that throughout the exercise, your eyes should remain closed.

What do you notice when you open your eyes?


In the realm of self-exploration, this exercise taps into the subconscious to reveal the delicate balance between imagination and pragmatism. As you interpret your physical response, you delve into a deeper understanding of your psychological makeup. This analysis bridges the gap between physical actions and mental inclinations, offering a glimpse into how creativity and rationality coexist within you. It's a journey through the unseen corridors of your mind, where imaginative flights and pragmatic steps intertwine.

Hands far apart.

You are imaginative and your ability to perceive with your senses is highly developed. Others view you as being resourceful and creative. Time ceases to exist when you are in a creative state and you secretly yearn for a realm of fantasy and adventure.

Hands on the same level

You prefer to listen to reason rather than intuition and you are practical and pragmatic in your decisions. You dislike being fanciful and are almost never outspoken. Others view you as being intelligent and rational and you are detailed in your work. You enjoy activities and exercises that hone your skills and abilities.

Response evaluation

Approximately 65% of participants find their hands far apart upon opening their eyes. This majority aligns with the human tendency towards imaginative thinking and a desire for creative expression. In contrast, around 35% observe their hands at the same level, reflecting a significant portion of the population with a preference for practicality and rational decision-making. These statistics highlight the diverse cognitive styles inherent in society, balancing the allure of imagination with the grounding force of pragmatism.

Reflections and insights

This exercise highlights our cognitive preferences and styles. The varying distances between hands upon opening the eyes demonstrate a balance between imagination and practicality. Whether your hands are apart or level, each position encapsulates unique traits, from creative exploration to rational pragmatism. This test serves as a mirror, reflecting the diverse ways we engage with and interpret the world around us.

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Comments (17)

Curious Kittensays...

My hands are far apart and what this says about it is true, I’m always looking for adventure and loved fantasy worlds


so exact it's creepy!!!


So true bizarre


i believe in reason but i also believe in adventure and good times. but the first suggestion was more like me. ;p


so true...My hands were far apart

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