Embark on an intriguing journey through the animal kingdom with our Animals Quiz. This engaging activity presents eight diverse sets of animals, each accompanied by a unique point value. Get a fascinating glimpse into different personality traits, ranging from creative and emotional to adventurous and ambitious, based on your accumulated score. Whether you see yourself as sentimental, a risk-taker, or a born leader, this quiz promises a delightful exploration of your character traits through the lens of your animal preferences.
Choose one animal that you like most in each set and add up your total score.
Refer to the score sheet for your result.
Set 1
Koala Bear = 2
Polar Bear = 3
Panda = 1
Set 2
Eagle = 3
Seagull= 2
Pigeon = 1
Set 3
Cat = 3
Dog = 2
Bird = 1
Set 4
Hamster = 2
Rabbit = 1
Squirrel = 3
Set 5
Sheep = 1
Deer = 2
Goat = 3
Set 6
Dolphin = 1
Shark = 3
Whale = 2
Set 7
Elephant = 2
Lion = 1
Tiger = 3
Set 8
Swan = 1
Goose = 3
Hen = 2
Score sheet
Between 8 - 11 points:
You are passive, sentimental, emotional, lack self-confidence,
but are creative and rational.
Between 12 - 15 points:
You belong to the fun-seekers, risk takers, adventurous and
spontaneous types, but are not very rational.
Between 16 - 19 points:
You are active, like challenges, optimistic, hard-working, and
are always working towards a set goal.
Between 20 - 24 points:
You have a strong character and you are aggressive and ambitious.
You were born to lead.
Comments (15)
Koala bear
11 points
19 points :
Polar bear, Eagle, Cat, Squirrel, Deer, Dolphin, Tiger and swan.
VERY accurate.
mine wasnt really accurate i got eighteen
Even tho I got 12 points, I'm more of the 16-19.
Polar bear
Moo :)