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Social conventions

Delve into the fascinating world of societal norms and unspoken rules with our collection of social conventions quotes. Discover insights into the cultural expectations, customs, and behavior that shape our interactions and society at large. Whether you're interested in understanding societal guidelines, exploring the nuances of social decorum, or gaining perspectives on the role of conventions in our daily lives, our curated quotations offer a diverse spectrum of wisdom. These quotes provide a fresh perspective on the multifaceted aspects of social conventions, shedding light on the impact of unwritten rules, the subtleties of cultural etiquette, and the role of norms and customs in maintaining societal harmony and structure.

Comfort of Conformity

"The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking." - John Kenneth Galbraith

Contextual background

John Kenneth Galbraith, a renowned economist and intellectual, delves into the concept of conventional wisdom and the comfort it provides to society. Conventional views, being widely accepted and rarely challenged, spare individuals from the discomfort of critical thinking, self-examination, and confronting unfamiliar ideas.


Individuals who resonate with Galbraith's perspective may be wary of blindly accepting societal norms and conventions. Their personalities are inclined towards skepticism of the status quo, critical thinking, and introspection. They understand the ease of taking refuge in widely-held beliefs, but they value the intellectual growth that comes from questioning and understanding rather than simply conforming.

Cycles of style

"Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new." - Henry David Thoreau

Contextual background

Thoreau, an American philosopher and naturalist, touches upon the cyclical nature of trends and the human tendency to mock past styles while devoutly adhering to contemporary ones. This observation highlights society's ever-evolving sense of what's fashionable or acceptable, juxtaposed with a consistent pattern of dismissing the past.


Those who connect with Thoreau's sentiment are likely to be introspective and observant of societal patterns. They recognize the fleeting nature of trends and the irony in ridiculing past fashions while embracing current ones that will eventually become outdated. Their personality traits include a sense of timelessness, a desire for authenticity, and a preference for values and ideas with lasting significance over transient fads.

Beyond Etiquette

"Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter what fork you use." - Emily Post

Contextual background

Emily Post, a famous authority on etiquette, challenges the superficial understanding of manners as mere formalities. Instead, she defines them as a genuine consideration for others' feelings, suggesting that true manners go beyond mere acts and are rooted in empathy and respect.


Individuals who align with Post's viewpoint prioritize emotional intelligence, empathy, and genuine respect over mere performative gestures. Their personalities gravitate towards understanding the essence behind actions, valuing the intent more than the act itself. They believe that true etiquette is not about following a rigid set of rules but about treating others with genuine kindness and consideration.

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