Embark on a journey through the Oasis Quiz, a reflective exploration set against the backdrop of life's crossroads. This quiz offers a series of scenarios that delve into your perspectives on crucial life decisions, revealing insights about your approach to luck, work ethic, personal values, and resilience. As you navigate through these thought-provoking questions, you'll gain a deeper understanding of your instincts, preferences, and how you interact with the world around you. It's an opportunity to discover more about yourself, hidden in the choices you make.
Comments (23)
I chose village because I don't want to be alone, not because I have a passion for work.
1. A skull
2. Australia
3. Village (I don’t want to die because I chose the hallucination)
4. Become a husk of a person.
5. Nothing much
6. Friends
7. 21.
8. I would live my life like usual. I wouldn’t give any mind to them because why should I believe some random guy who just says I’m gonna die.
9. Assuming there are people in whatever building I am currently in that has spontaneously combusted I would save people.
Omg a skull in the box, I said cat idk why I just wanted to
For no.8 I said I would take him to a mental hospital
1 Books
2 Dubai ( I wana work for Emirates)
3 Village
4 Cry
5 Sleep
6 God
7 27 ( Im 24)!
8 Praying
9 Not sure
1. a Bunny Rabbit
2. the mountains (do not live anywhere near any) was a little indecisive
3. the oasis
4. wouldn't know what to do with myself
5. kick back and relax
6. family
7. 6
8. spend last moments with friends and family
9. not sure
1 garbage
2 here, on Tenerife
3 village, for a drink
4 probably stay with my parents a while
5 bars, beach, a movie
6 my parents
7 18
8 traveling visiting friends & family
9 my music