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personality types

The ENFP personality is lively and easily distracted, resembling an energetic bird that loves to socialize and share stories. They are playful and carefree, akin to a 'Happy Slob' cat, enjoying interactive games but rarely staying still. ENFPs, making up 5% of the population, are like a 'broadcast', spreading enthusiasm and energy everywhere.

Is the glass half full or half empty? Whooeee! Water fight!

Prayer God, help me keep my mind on one thing - Look, a bird - at a time.

Animal personality Bird

Birds are ENFPs who chirp away with their friends across the woods, enthusiastically telling their magnificent stories.

Cat personality "The Happy Slob"

Playful cat that will leave food smeared all over the kitchen floor and track litter granules onto the carpet. Favorite game is peek-a-boo. Likes to be petted, but won't sit still for long.

Collective noun A broadcast of ENFPs

Percentage of total population 5%

All 16 types

Your type is a combination of four preferences. Each preference was made by choosing between 2 letters in a dichotomy. The four dichotomies are:


Defines where you direct your energy. Extroversion indicates outwards towards the world, and Introversion indicates a tendency inwards towards your thoughts and ideas.


Defines how you process information. Do you prefer to process information through your five senses (Sensing) or do you prefer to trust your hunches and read between the lines? (iNtuition)


Defines how you make decisions. Do you prefer logical analysis (Thinking), or contemplating about how each option affects people? (Feeling)


Defines how you order your life. Do you prefer making plans and keeping to schedules (Judging), or do you usually keep things open? (Perceiving)

There are 16 types in total. Now that you know your type, check out your type description by following the appropriate link below!

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Comments (3)

Bob the minion not real namesays...

wow that stuff is wierd.

sarah gilmoursays...

i know! i'm surprised at how well the quiz works.


lol this is exactly me!

lily dearmansays...

ME too, it 's freaky!