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personality types

Discover the essence of the ESTP personality, characterized by its adventurousness and spontaneity. Like a tiger, ESTPs are opportunistic and thrive in dynamic environments. They share traits with the independent 'Tomcat', known for their free-spirited nature and lack of commitment. As a 'scrum', accounting for 13% of the population, ESTPs bring energy and a fearless attitude to their surroundings.

Is the glass half full or half empty? You call that a glass of water? Why, back where I come from, ...

Prayer God, help me to take responsibility for my own actions, even though they're usually not my fault.

Animal personality Tiger

Savage and opportunistic, ESTP tigers devour anything that could feed them whenever they have a chance.

Cat personality "The Tomcat"

Comes back after three days with scabs on his nose and ears. Fathered too many kittens to count. Will enjoy you while he's there, but not loyal. With other cats, doesn't know when to stop "playing".

Collective noun A scrum of ESTPs

Percentage of total population 13%

All 16 types

Your type is a combination of four preferences. Each preference was made by choosing between 2 letters in a dichotomy. The four dichotomies are:


Defines where you direct your energy. Extroversion indicates outwards towards the world, and Introversion indicates a tendency inwards towards your thoughts and ideas.


Defines how you process information. Do you prefer to process information through your five senses (Sensing) or do you prefer to trust your hunches and read between the lines? (iNtuition)


Defines how you make decisions. Do you prefer logical analysis (Thinking), or contemplating about how each option affects people? (Feeling)


Defines how you order your life. Do you prefer making plans and keeping to schedules (Judging), or do you usually keep things open? (Perceiving)

There are 16 types in total. Now that you know your type, check out your type description by following the appropriate link below!

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Comments (1)

MIcah Jonessays...

I am 100% extroverted!